A Kuchipudi Thematic Presentation
Pushyami Gottipati
Pushyami Gottipati is a dedicated artist whose marvelous motion in Kuchipudi is one of the finest. The sheer magical quality of Kuchipudi transports the audience into the realm of wonderment and ecstasy. Pushyami, the Artistic Director of Sri Kuchipudi Nrityalaya, has been practicing Kuchipudi since she was six years old. She is immensely fortunate to have begun her training under the guidance of Sumitra Parthasarathy garu at the age of 6 and continued the trained by the renowned stalwarts in the field, the ultimate param gurus like Padma Bhushan Dr. Vempati Chinna Satyam, Padmasri Dr. Shobha Naidu and eminent danseuse Guru Hema Malini Chavali. At age 16, she accompanied her Guru Sobha Naidu garu on her US tour.
She has performed at Khajuraho Festival, Nishagandhi Festival, Hyderabad 400-year celebrations, and many more in India. In the USA, she has performed at conferences such as ATA, NATA, TANA, and Silicon Andhra. She performed at Pittsburg Temple arts center. Pushyami has organized and presented many solos and ballets like Sri Krishna Parijatham, Kalyana Srinivaasam, and Chandalika. Pushyami has made her mark in this field with her abhinaya, grace, and flawless sense of rhythm. She is an excellent teacher, choreographer, and performer.
Pushyami will be dancing the following dances in 14th American Natya Festival on Sunday April 9th, 2023
1. Natesha Kautuvam
Raagam - Hamsadhavani / Taalam - Adi / Composer - Sri KasinathaKavi / Choreographed by Padmabhushan Dr. Vempati China Satyam garu
The dancer pays her obeisance to Shiva, the one who is worshipped by the rishis of the Dense forest, the Devas, Rakshasas ,the Brahma and Vishnu alike. He adorns the Sun and the moon , Holds the Trishul and the Dhamaru and performs the Tandava. The one who rides on Nandi and is the Lord of the three thousand Dikshitas of Chidambara.
2. Okapari Okapari Vayyarame
Composer - Annamacharya / Raagam - Karaharapriya / Talam - Adi / Choreographed by Padmasri Dr Sobha Naidu /
This composition among Annamacharya's prolific numbers is a gem. Lord Venkateswara and Alamelu Manga saunter along side by side exuding grace that Annamacharya witnessed by assuming himself as a sakhi to savour their divine togetherness. Mangadevi sprinkles the amorous camphor on the lord, that spills all around. When the Lord teams up with his moon faced beloved, the pair conjure up the moon shine. The bejewelled, dark handsome Lord indulges in love-sport with his radiant partner and together t hey look like a cloud laced with lighting. And what a breathtaking image has the poet made use of....
3. Swagatham Krishna
Composer - Sri Utthukaadu Venkata Subba Iyer / Raagam- Raaga Malika / Taalam - Adi / Choreographed by Padmasri Dr. Sobha Naidu
On Sri Krishna's return to Mathura after killing Kamsa, he was joyously welcomed by the Gopikas. One of the Gopikas describes Lord Krishna with great Bhakti and is stunned into ecstasy when he unexpectedly appears before her. She invited him into her home as the slayer of the Rakshasas, Mushtikasura and chanura , as the warrior who fatally struck the elephant ' Kuvalaya peedana' at its most vulnerable part, as the divine dancer on the cursed snake - Kalinga's hood, as the holy protector of the gentle cows , as the destroyer of evil and the saviour of the righteous through his various avataras, such as 'Matsya' the fish , 'Kurma(The Tortise), 'Varaha' (The Boar), 'Narasimha' (half man half lion ), Vamana(The dwarf), 'Parasurama' , Rama and Krishna. Sri Krishna is not only a valiant hero as portrayed in the avatars but also a lover par excellence who stole the hearts of Gopikas with his amourous overtures. Gopikas finally surrender to their lord.
'We have no refuge , none what so ever , but you and you alone'