American Natya Idol

American Naty Idol 2025

A nation-wide competition of  Indian classical dances - Solo and Groups

Bharathanatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Mohini Attam, Manipuri, Andhra Natyam and Sastriya


NATYA IDOL is a platform to showcase, talents of young Indian Classical dancers. This is purely for education purpose only. Our aim is to promote healthy competition among students, and inspire them to walk towards the pursuit of perfection. There are ups and downs, wins and losses, happiness and sad moments in this competition, just like life. But, it teaches what it needs to a successful in life. It teaches the patience, perseverance, humility and dedication as needed for the path of perfection.

We encourage every competitor to get into the process of practicing the art of dancing with dedication and humbleness. There is an unimaginable happiness for trying to be perfect. If one attains such perfection, they will bring pure joy to everyone who watches them.  Attaining perfection in Indian classical dance is difficult, because it demands a disciplined ways to learn, live and practice. Those who have walked this road are highly successful. This competition will help you get there by giving one performance opportunity at a time.

We welcome everyone to take up the challenge to perform in Natya Idol competition and win recognition and respect. Everyone will be a winner here. Whether you get a prize or not, you will be really getting an opportunity to achieve perfection through your own preparations for the competition. This is also a great opportunity to get valuable feedback on your dancing skill from great minds of the dance field.

Please note: All audience must have a festival ticket to watch the show. The competition is free to watch


Competition Schedule

Judgement Criteria