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Maya Chadda - A versatile dancer and thinker
Dr. Maya Chadda Kulkarni
Dr. Maya Kulkarni Chadda is a professor of political science at William Paterson University of New Jersey and a research fellow at the Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University
She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
She has taught in the past at the Brooklyn College and the New York University.
Chadda obtained an M.A. in Government from New York University and a Ph. D. from the New School of Social Research.
Chadda has contributed numerous rticles and chapters to academic journals and edited volumes on South Asian politics and foreign policy.
Maya Chadda has worked for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Family Planning Agency (UNFPA) as a consultant. In 1998, she was appointed the Director of Undergraduate Research and for William Paterson University and is responsible for setting up grant and scholarship program. She is also the recipient of the Merit Service Award for 2003 from the Alumni Foundation of the William Paterson university.
Maya Chadda has served on the review board of the Woodrow Wilson Center and tha United States Institute of Peace, Washington D. C. and as a consultant to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Chadda is the US editor of the journal Ethnopolitics and is a recipient of several grants, including the Rockefeller Residency Fellowship at Bellagio, Italy. In 1998 she was given the Excelsior award for excellence in academic achievement by the Association of Indians in America and the Network of Indian Professionals and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR). Chadda currently serves on the Joint Task force of the CFR and Asia Society on South Asia.
Indo-Soviet Relations (Bombay, Vora & Co.)
Paradox of Power: The United States Policy in Southwest Asia (Santa Barbara, California, Clio Press)
Ethnicity Security and Separatism in South Asia ( New York, Columbia University press/Oxford University press)
Building Democracy in South Asia: India, Pakistan and Nepal (Lynne Rienner/Sage Publishers)