15th American Natya Festival

Festival schedule might fluctuate due to technical, or artistic or scheduling conflicts. Kindly bear with us.

Full Schedule of 15th American Natya Festival; Natya Kala Conference; Natya Idol Competition


Clayton High School Auditorium, 1 Mark Twain Circle, Saint Louis, MO 63105


FRIDAY - 4/26/2024

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

AMERICAN NATYA IDOL - other cities Regionals

Clayton High School - Main Theater



SATURDAY - 4/27/2024

Natyakala Conference Sessions - 10:00 AM

Vocal by Preethika
Pushpanjali dance and Gajamukhane by Soorya Dance Company

Session 1: Foot Prints of Heritage - Celebrating Cultural Legacy of Indian Dance in USA

Dr. Maya Chadda -  From Exotic to Ethic, Dancing in the Diaspora
Asha Gopal - Dance traditions of East in the Western USA
Asha Acharya - A cultural phenomenon in USA
Hema Rajagopalan - Indian Classical Dance and Main Stream American audience
Moderator Dr. Padmini Shreedhar

Session 2: Saturday 27th April - 11:30 AM - Young Dancer's Challenges in USA

Deepti Naville -  Establishing Dance schools.
Shambhavi Dandekar - Riyaz in the context of American lifestyle
Samanvita Kasthuri - Dancing after Arangetram
Aparna Tara - Challenges for independent dancer
Moderator - Dr. Sumithra & Prasanna Kasthuri

American Natya Idol - FINALS

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM on Saturday

For Intermediate, Advanced, Senior Groups

Vocal by Priyanka & Aditi - Pillangoviya - Followed by Dance Competition



SUNDAY - 4/28/2024

Natya Kala Conference  -  11 AM 

Session 3: 11:00 AM - Movement and Mime in Indian and American Art forms

Dr. Alice Bloch - Modern American Movement
Dr. Padmini Sridhar - Mysore Style of Bharatanatyam
Prasanna Kasthuri - Adaptations of movements for non-Indian themes
Maya Chadda - Observations of movements since 1970s

Session 4: 12:00 PM - Story telling - a contribution of Indian dance Styles.

Pratibha Prahlad -  Abhinaya and Story telling
Smitha Rajan - Story telling in Mohini Attam
Danette House  - Stories from Ozark - A knot of Blue and Grey
Dr. Christine Knoblauch-O'Neal  - Story telling in Ballet.

Festival Keynote Speaker Padmashri Pratibha Prahlad A scholarly remark on the conference


Natya Idol - 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - for Junior, Adults, Junior Groups

Vocal by Kruthi & Pushpa manasa bhajare - Followed by Dance Competition


SATURDAY - 4/27/2024

Dance shows at Natya Dance Festival - 5:00 PM

Vocal by Siya Girivaru - Velane - 5:00
Ananda Nartana Ganapathi - Seniors Soorya Dance Company  - 5:10 PM
Rukmini Kalyanam / Dance Drama - Choreography: Deepthi Mukund, Natya Bhoomi, Washington DC - 5:30 PM
Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony - Awarded to Guru Asha Gopal - 6:30 PM
Dinner Break - 7:00 PM
Defeat of Death - Dance  Drama - Choreography - Prasanna Kasthuri - Inspired by Aurobindo's Savithri - 7:30 PM
Shakti Chakra - Iconic Dance Drama - Choreography - Hema Rajagopalan -  Natya Dance Theater - 8:30 PM



SUNDAY - 4/28/2024

Dance shows at Natya Dance Festival - 2:00 PM

Jhalak - Short Kathak Performance - Soorya Kathak School Dance , St. Louis, MO - 2:00 PM

Shambhavi Dandekar - Group Kathak Dance - SISK Dance Ensemble, Sunnyvale, California - 2:15 PM
Students of Asha Gopal - Bharathanatyam - Arathi School, Phoenix, Arizona - 3:05 PM
Samkshiptha - Ramayana - Dance Drama - Choreography: Asha Adiga, Director, Acharya Dance Academy, Chicago, Illinois - 3:30 PM

Bhama Kalapam - Andhra Natyam Prabhadam - Performed by Archana Upakama and Students, Upasana School, St. Louis, MO Sunday - 4:30 PM

Finale dances by Soorya Kathak Dance School - 5:15 PM